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Adrenaline and noradrenaline are secreted from the adrenal medulla in response to sympathetic stimulation. The adrenal cortex secretes aldosterone, cortisol and testosterone from different layers. Aldosterone causes salt and water reabsorption in the kidney if blood pressure or blood volume is low. Cortisol has a complex role in the body, being able to increase circulating glucose levels and mobilize amino acids and fatty acids in response to stress and trauma.

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Withdrawal of the drug usually results in recovery, but severe digoxin toxicity can be treated in an emergency by intravenous injection of digoxin specific antibody fragment, which neutralizes toxic effects. Other signs of toxicity are nausea, vomiting and confusion. Since cardiac glycosides are excreted mainly by the kidney, doses have to be adjusted according to renal status of individual patients. Cardiac glycosides interact with many other drugs; some increase the risk of toxicity (for example amiodarone and verapamil) and others reduce it (for example cholestyramine, colestipol and antacids), but also reduce therapeutic effect.

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Increased destruction of erythrocytes, or haemolytic anaemia, occurs if erythrocytes are broken down prematurely and can be due to haemoglobin defects, abnormal enzymes, membrane defects, poisons or infections, incompatible blood, autoimmune disease or hereditary disease. Sickle cell disease and thalassaemia are examples of inherited haemolytic anaemias.

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Phototherapy using UVB and photochemotherapy using UVA plus an oral photosensitizing drug, psoralen, can be successful in severe resistant psoriasis, although relapse may occur. For patients who do not respond to topical therapy, systemic drugs such as methotrexate, ciclosporin, efalizumab and acitretin can be used.

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These are receptors for steroid hormones and thyroid hormone.

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Because they take several days to have an effect, bulk-forming laxatives are not suitable for use before radiological examination. Bulk-forming laxatives are used to control diarrhoea associated with therapeutic radiography.

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