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I have an MRI on sat 14th.

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Please brand up to 24 hours for post to appear. Just wondered how much valium seemed to 2mg valium for mri the best for the MRI for someone who is closterfobic. My last MRI they fenced me 10mg valium and I second about didn't make it through it. Was requiring if anyone took 20mg. What seemed to passive you through if you are extremely closterfobic. The first to be metabolized very mild is diazepam, then dimethyldiazepam, then oxazepam oxazepam metabolized rapidly also.

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While MRI is, in itself, a painless procedure that many patients find very tolerable, it can be difficult for some to endure due to the need to remain still in an enclosed space for extended periods. Those who experience intense anxiety or claustrophobia can have an especially hard time successfully completing an MRI. Depending on the level of anxiety a patient experiences, either oral benzodiazepines or IV conscious sedation may be prescribed. If you use any sedative medication for your exam, you will need to arrange a safe ride home in advance and avoid driving or any other activity that requires you to be fully alert and able bodied until the medication has completely worn off. Durations vary from one medication to the next, so ask your doctor or pharmacist how long that is likely to be. Many patients find that an oral benzodiazepine, such as Xanax, Ativan, or Valium, taken prior to the exam sufficiently relieves their anxiety and allows them to complete an MRI with relative ease. Benzodiazepines can ease anxiety as well as relax muscles, potentially making it more comfortable to remain still on the exam table. Be sure to take benzodiazepines only as your doctor advises, as misuse can lead to physical dependence. Common side effects include dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and loss of equilibrium. Some patients may require more powerful medication in order to overcome the anxiety they experience during an MRI and successfully complete the procedure.

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In order to relax prior to and remain relaxed during, take it about 30 minutes before. I hope that helps answer your question. Sometimes they have a pretty picture above to look at. Sometimes you just have to amuse yourself. Hope it turns out well and no worries at all! It can take up to 40min.

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A key test for identifying multiple sclerosis during diagnosis, or to confirm a relapse, is magnetic resonance imaging MRI. Being encased in a magnetic tube that, when operational, sends out deafening noise and requires complete stillness can be intimidating. Even a claustrophobic person me! By now, MRI technicians in radiology labs have acquired the appropriate headgear to protect your ears and help you block out the noise. Most also come equipped buy diazepam 10mg for sleep piped-in music you can concentrate on to relax. For practical concerns, that is not optional during an MRI!

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Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have medical concerns, please seek medical 2mg valium for mri ; if you think your problem could be acute, do so immediately. Even qualified doctors can't diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice. I have just failed to do an MRI and have had to be rebooked I've got some diazepam left over from last time I had an MRI but I can't remember how much to take, and whether one 2mg pill will be enough. It took the edge off last time maybe but that was in a massive wide-bore one. Any suggestions?

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